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REVOLUTIONARY ADVANCEMENT IS BITUMEN WATERPROOFING SOLUTIONS Pro 4000 Tom is atactic atactic poly propylene (APP) modified bitumen-based...
REVOLUTIONARY ADVANCEMENTS IN BITUMEN WATERPROOFING SOLUTIONS ProZ 3500 Tom is atactic poly propylene (APP) modified bitumen-based waterproofing...
HIGH GRADE CEMENTITIOUS FINISH SKIM COAT Pro 182 Finishis a cementitious mortar paste that is specifically designed for the purpose of smoothing...
HIGH GRADE CEMENT - BASED COATING ProZ 181 Base is superior quality and highly durable protective layer that is formulated using premium cement...
Anti Aging for 10 years, High Temp Resistant 120c, Low Temp Resistant 40cProZ Waterproof Tape is a super strong, rubberized, waterproof Tape that...
Good for Wood, Metal & ConcreteNano Z888 i sa long OUV water repellent, anti-carbonation, breath-ability for outdoor and indoor building. tI si...
Supreme-Acrylic Copolymer Waterproof Liquid Membrane Coating with Internally Reinforced Micro-FibersProcoat Z588 Fiber is a one componet,...
Mulipurpose Elastic Acrylic Based Liquid Applied MembraneProcoat Z388 is based on a newly developed acrylic polimers and it is dramatically reduces...
Cementitous Waterproofing Slurry and Protective CoatingProZ Seal 288 is a two part polymer modified cementitious waterproof mortar slurry...
Water Resistance Bording Agent & Mortar Strengthening AdditivePro Latex Z188 is a synthetic polymer emulsion for adding to cement mortars, where...
CEMENTITIOUS TILE ADHESIVE Proz8 Tile Adhesive is a one-pack premixed cementitious tile adhesive containing , cement,polymers, quartz minerals and...
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